The Culinary Ventures of Gavin and Haleigh Burgon
We, Gavin and Haleigh, thoroughly enjoy cooking together! We work as a pretty good team experimenting and attempting new things. However, as time has gone on, we cannot seem to remember what we’ve made, which dishes we loved, and where on earth we found the recipes, thus, we have decided that it is imperative that we compile the things we enjoy in one place: here, on our blog. We will try to take a picture of everything we make and are happy to share these recipes with anyone who would like to try them. Bon appétit!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Carrot Cake

This is one of our family’s favorite cakes (especially because my dad doesn’t like chocolate). The only tricky part is the frosting; I never seem to get the measurements quite right and my mom has to fix it. She just does it “by taste” - a concept I hope to someday understand. Here are the directions:

2 cups all purpose flour

2 cups sugar

2-teaspoons soda

2-teaspoons salt

3 cups carrots, grated, uncooked

1 ½ cup cooking oil (corn oil, vegetable oil, or canola oil)

2-teaspoons Cinnamon

4 large eggs

Mix the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Add the cooking oil and mix well. Add eggs, one at a time mixing well. Add grated carrots.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes (approx.)


1 pound powdered sugar (approx.)

½ cup butter (I find this is too much and only do ¼)

3-8 oz. cream cheese (soften) (I do about 5 oz)

2-teaspoons vanilla

My mom adds more vanilla and a little milk. You can also add ground raisins or dates & nuts to the cake if desired.


  1. yum yum! looking forward to following this blog haleigh!

  2. This is the best carrot cake ever! Great cupcakes as well.
