The Culinary Ventures of Gavin and Haleigh Burgon
We, Gavin and Haleigh, thoroughly enjoy cooking together! We work as a pretty good team experimenting and attempting new things. However, as time has gone on, we cannot seem to remember what we’ve made, which dishes we loved, and where on earth we found the recipes, thus, we have decided that it is imperative that we compile the things we enjoy in one place: here, on our blog. We will try to take a picture of everything we make and are happy to share these recipes with anyone who would like to try them. Bon appétit!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Old-Fashioned Beef Stroganoff

I made this not long after I was married, and then tragically haven't been able to find the recipe since!  Then, as I was flipping through the Ivory Homes Favorites cookbook, there it was!  There is just something great about this recipe: it isn't too salty, which stroganoff has a tendancy to be, and the tomato juice adds a unique twist.  Enjoy! 

2 pounds beef sirloin, cut into thin strips (I only used one pound and it was enough)
1/4 Cup butter
1 Onion, peeled and chopped
1 (8 oz) package sliced mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
Dash of paprika
Dash of seasoned salt
Dash of pepper
1/2 Cup tomato juice
1 (10 oz) can cream of mushroom soup
1 Cup sour cream

Hot cooked egg noodles

Remember to slice the meat against the grain, it helps with tenderness.  Brown the sirloin in butter, along with the onion and mushrooms.  Add juice and seasonings.  Cover and simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Stir in soup and sour cream, heat gently and serve over egg noodles.

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